Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Let them eat cake!

Every year I struggle with what to give up for Lent. Not that I'm religious per se but I like to see if I can stick to something for forty days (or live without something).  Sometimes I give up alcohol or chocolate or coffee (bad idea--very bad headaches) or sometimes I add something like doing sit-ups or jumping jacks or NOT complaining.  This year I gave up bread.  Which immediately called into question what items are bread products and which are not.  Is cake bread?  Are tortillas?  What about crackers?  I'm pretty much sticking with bread is bread so I can eat a damn cracker if I want to.  I thought it would be fairly easy but then I ordered some pasta for lunch and it came with the most enticing smelling garlic bread and all I could was stare at it.  Not even take a nibble.  Not even a lick!  Well I survived it.  Then I went to a potluck brunch and one of the really awesome cooks brought a french toast casserole. I mean.  It was divine to look at, it smelled heavenly, I ate one of the walnuts nestled on top and it just made my mouth water for a nice big piece!  I guess it's the whole point, but I was bummed man.  I wanted a piece of that french toast (and really I could in no way convince myself that sliced bread covered in brown sugar and other deliciousness was somehow not "bread").  So damn.  How many more days do I have to go?

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